Cooperative Purchasing Program
The CESA #11 Cooperative Purchasing Program offers the buying power of group purchasing to school districts and municipalities. Members have the opportunity to take advantage of discounts of 5-40% that CESA #11 has negotiated with various vendors.
CESA #11 Cooperative Purchasing Program
CESA #11 coordinates bid programs in the following areas:
Prime Vendor Food/Frozen Food
Paper Products (kitchen)
Small Equipment (kitchen)
AV Supplies & Equipment/Projection Lamps
Copy Paper
CESA #11 and school participants continually update, refine and strive to make each bid program the most efficient possible for all involved.
If you are interested in being a member of one of the steering committees, please contact Marge McGee.
CESA Purchasing (AEPA Contracts)
The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) is a nationwide group of educational organizations working collaboratively to save school districts time and money.
Wisconsin is an AEPA member which allows K12 schools, technical colleges, universities and municipalities access to volume discounts on Technology, Mobile Learning Solutions, Athletic Supplies, Classroom Products, Facility Products and more.
Please visit the CESA Purchasing website for free membership and to explore the savings waiting for you!
CESA #11 Purchasing Information
Link to the CESA #11 Vendor Sign Up List
By signing up on the vendors list you will receive an email notification when procurement solicitations are advertised. If you have been receiving notifications, you do not need to sign up again--we already have your contact information.